Message from the President
The Cochise County Historical Society occasionally sponsors historical field trips and guest speakers as a service to all of those interested in learning more about the rich history of our county. In the past, this was achieved by inserting paper notices inside the journals prior to their being mailed out. As one can imagine, this particular method had manys drawbacks. Therefore, in order to better inform you of these upcoming events, it was determined at a recent board meeting that notification by email would be the most efficient method of contacting members. Upcoming events could be publicized much quicker through emails than the way we formerly did it.
For this reason, we are asking all members who would like to be notified of such events, no matter what state you may live in, to please send your email address to board member Cindy LaRussa at:
Your email address will not be given or sold to any other group or organization. We hope that all of our members will agree that emailing is the most efficient method of notifying them regarding upcoming special event.
The winner of the Cochise County Historical Society’s Logo Contest is Shirene McKinney of Lordsburg, New Mexico. The logo contest was kicked off last year as a way for the Board of Directors to choose from designs created by the public and submitted to the society. Two designs were submitted, and the board had some difficulty in choosing the favorite from both of the worthy entries.
We are willing to bet that you will be seeing our new logo more frequently. Shirene McKinney won a prize of $150 and a free one-year membership to the Cochise County Historical Society.
Congratulations Shirene!